Weekly Inspo Vids - Week Thirty One
Hi friends,
I truly hope this finds you with your feet up enjoying some downtime or out doing something fun with some loved ones. Even if you have a lot to do, be sure to get out of the house or take a nap this weekend. Something just for you and yours.
It’s been a super exciting week, but I can’t really go into detail about why - at least not yet. Someday, somehow I’ll share something fun and newsworthy. But it was a good week for me. I hope you can say something similar.
We’ve got a great video from Jeremy Anderson this week. I’ve shared some of his stuff before. I just love his energy. This could be a great video to share with students as well as teachers. And we’ve got a great Emailable PD and Help with AI section this week. I think you’ll find both helpful.
P.S. I was a bit surprised that 70% of last week’s “Would you rather?” respondents said they’d rather be a teacher if the pay was the same. I find this fascinating. I added a poll below to tease this out a bit more. Please do tell!
Weekly Video
Use in staff newsletters, encouraging emails, etc.
Possible Caption: We all have value. Period.
Looking for a past video. Check our archive.
Vote below, and we’ll track your favorite videos in our archive.
Follow up poll
In response to last week’s “Would you rather?” question
This poll is for those of you who said you’d rather be a teacher than an administrator if the pay were the same. I could speculate about the reasoning, but I thought I’d just ask. So, for those of you who voted (or would vote) this way, what is it about the administrative job that influences this decision? If your reasons are not reflected below, please reply and let me know!
Would you rather?
Use with students, staff, social media … whatever!
View “Would you rather?” archive (with past results)
Weekly Quote
“Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.”
W.E.B. Du Bois
Check out the Weekly Quote archive
Use as an unlimited supply of helpful resources! Growing all the time!
Check out the archive of archives. If you’re tired of looking for all the various documents I’ve provided, they’re all linked to this single document. An archive of archives!
Weekly Emailable PD
Use in staff newsletters, emailable PD messages, etc.
In line with our recent PD on the relational side of classroom management, this week’s content is a helpful reminder of when to make a note of something. Whether it’s related to an upcoming event, a sensitive topic, or alignment with future teachers, it’s always good to keep thorough documentation.
See below for downloadable PDFs and JPEGs for your staff newsletters.