A note on last Saturday's email ...
Happy Monday!
On Saturday, I sent out my regularly-scheduled email. Paid subscribers see the whole email, whereas unpaid subscribers see only the first section of the email.
At the bottom of the message (only seen by paid subscribers), I included the trailer below for one of our new courses at Peer Driven PD entitled “Engaging Reluctant Writers: Strategies for Secondary Writing Teachers.”
I mentioned that paid subscribers could get 30% off the new course. Due to the response I received and the apparent need for high-quality writing PD, I’ve made the course 100% free for everyone through December 31st. [Note: Paid subscribers can still get 30% off any of our courses at any time, just respond to this or any other email].
So that’s that. You can check out the complete course right here, right now. Send it to as many teachers as you’d like.
I know that the course is specifically for secondary teachers. If you’re an elementary principal and would like access to one of our other courses during the same time frame, respond to this email, and we’ll work something out.
Thanks again for being a part of the newsletter, everyone. And thanks for indulging this extra message. I’m not a fan of SPAM and promise not to notify you unless I offer real value.